Africa Wood Grow Foundation

After the establishment of Africa Wood Grow Limited the interest in agroforestry projects grew both in Kenya and the Netherlands. In order to respond to this growing interest, money had to be raised, therefore the Foundation was built in 2014. The Foundation is located in The Hague and focuses on raising funds and awareness for the challenges related to climate change in dry climates and the opportunities Africa Wood Grow aims to create. The collection of funds is done through private donations through social media and the website, cooperation with businesses and other foundations, personal relations, and giving paid presentations concentrated on awareness. The funds are donated to the Kamiti CBO, which buys seedlings and services from Africa Wood Grow Limited in order to support the local member farmers in managing their agroforestry projects.

Additionally, the board members of the Foundation are all volunteers, who weekly dedicate their time and effort to working for the Foundation. They aim at enhancing the livelihood resilience of the local community and diminishing the effects of climate change in eroded and deforested areas by collecting as many donations as possible for agroforestry projects.

About the projects of Africa Wood Grow Foundation

Africa Wood Grow Foundation works closely with the Kamiti CBO and Africa Wood Grow Limited. Together they have made several projects successful over the past years. For example,
the providing and giving out of fencing material and the establishment of the Community Hub. Overall, the Foundation mainly finances projects and occasionally cooperates in managing or initiating a project.

Parternships of Africa Wood Grow Foundation

Over the years Africa Wood Grow has established various partnerships with different companies and organizations, whose goals and or directions are similar to that of Africa Wood Grow. Each partnership contributes to the vision of Africa Wood Grow in its own manner. For example, a partnership with the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030, SASOL Foundation, and the local government was established. Another two important partnerships are with H+N+S Landscape Architects and Witteveen+Bos. They support the mission of Africa Wood Grow by helping to visualize the area, progress, and long-term vision in various illustrations for the website and social media.

“We collaborate with partners and communities to achieve ecological restoration and a forest-based economy``

Farmer trainings

We aim to empower the community and enhance their autonomy through the exchange of knowledge and capacity building. The foundation intends to achieve this by offering various trainings to member farmers. These trainings are meant to educate farmers on effective and sustainable methods, such as pruning, the use of green fertilizers, and the prevention of logging. Over the years, the trainings have developed, teaching skills and technologies, which makes the environment and community more resilient.




The board members of the The Foundation

Support us

Support us with a private or business donation. Transfer your donation to
NL65 TRIO 0197 9433 73, citing Stichting Africa Wood Grow in The Hague.

We desperately need your financial contribution. The Africa Wood Grow foundation has ANBI status, making donations tax deductible.